Lirik Lagu/Song Lyrics
Song Lyrics
Rhoma Irama along with his Soneta Group have been
presenting qualified songs for us. Even before Soneta Group's birthday at
October 13th, 1973, Rhoma Irama had sung many songs.
This site has successfully compiled songs sung by
Rhoma Irama and other member singers of Soneta Group. These songs classified
into four parts as follows:
The arrangement of the songs in this site will
made as follows:
Usual verse is written in
blue color.
Refrain verse is written in
red color.
Usual conversation or preface is written in
green color.
Unclear words are followed by question ‘?’ mark
within brackets: ‘()’.
Words in the bracket ‘()’ are sung by backing
vocal. Look at
Misteri Cinta song.
Two phrases which is separated by pipe ‘|’ in
angle bracket ‘[]’ means that each phrase is spoken seentively.
Phrase one then phrase two. Look at
Musik song.
Verse is made into two version and separated by
less than mark ‘<’ and greater than mark ‘>’ meaning that two singers sing
altogether in different lyrics. For example, look at
Aduhai song.
I give a sign
to the songs I have the
audio file so.
Rhoma Irama dengan Soneta Groupnya telah banyak mempersembahkan lagu-lagu bermutu untuk
kita. Bahkan, sebelum lahir Soneta Group pada 13 Oktober 1973 pun Rhoma Irama telah
menyanyikan banyak lagu.
Situs ini telah berhasil mengumpulkan sebagian besar lagu yang dibawakan oleh Rhoma Irama dan
penyanyi-penyanyi lain yang tergabung dalam Soneta Group. Lagu-lagu tersebut dikelompokkan
mejadi empat bagian sebagai berikut:
Saya mengatur penulisan lagu-lagu dalam situs ini sebagai berikut:
Di situs ini lagu-lagu yang saya beri tanda
berarti di
dalamnya terdapat link ke file audio lagu tersebut.