Arsip Buku Tamu Multiply 1
ahmadabdulhaq wrote on Sep 13 cawah said
Terima kasih. Tapi saya memperkirakan, pasca 1 Desember, akun kita tidak akan hilang begitu saja, walaupun isi situsnya habis. Kita masih bisa kasih komentar dan bikin kerusuhan di seantero Multiply. |
cawah wrote on Sep 13 kunjungan pak….sblm musnah hehehe |
ekohm wrote on Mar 10 Njih pak.. Sampun dalu niki 😀 |
ekohm wrote on Mar 10 Mampir sejenak pak 😀 |
puritama wrote on Feb 19 assalamualaikuuumm… |
semaoen wrote on Dec 20, ’11 lama nggak nongol nih ??? |
latifabdul wrote on Nov 27, ’11 Assalamu’alaikum wrwb Apa kabar baik2 saja bukan? STANDART HIDUP SEJAHTERA MENURUT ISLAM.–VS–Fundamentalis. Salam |
ohtrie wrote on Jul 11, ’11 Sugeng Tangap Warsa Pak’eee…… |
25102004 wrote on Jul 11, ’11 a’s selamat ulang tahun…semoga sehat2 selalu , panjang umur & semakin panjang pula rizkinya |
ahmadabdulhaq wrote on May 10, ’11 sumart74 said
Ini contoh orang yang tidak tahu tatakrama di Internet. Kita lihat saja. Kalau parah, kita laporkan ke situs antispammer. |
moestoain wrote on Apr 27, ’11 SABUDI ‘sastra budaya indonesia’ |
melatidesa wrote on Mar 13, ’11 Apa khabar, lama ga bersapa..semoga semua baik dan sehat2 aja.. |
ahmadabdulhaq wrote on Dec 19, ’10 madislam said
Oh, tidak masalah. GB saya hanya tidak bisa menerima orang yang ngiklan gratis untuk cari uang. Orang-orang beda pendapat, beda agama, beda kelompok umur, bahkan yang di bawah umur tetap diterima 😀 Wah, maaf, saya belum tahu lagu yang kamu maksudkan itu. Barangkali kapan-kapan, kalau ketemu, insya Allah aku bagi infonya. |
madislam wrote on Dec 19, ’10 Pak, punya link download Suara Persaudaraan – Zuhud I |
5427423 wrote on Dec 9, ’10 salam.. |
wiex1105 wrote on Nov 25, ’10 salam kenal ya mas ahmad… |
josephalmighty wrote on Nov 8, ’10 “Beloved ones, I speak to you whose hearts have known, have known deep inside that I would not create such a world as this you see before you. It can be easy to disengage, but you’ve lived the illusion for a long time. Thus can you assist each other in this. Assist each other in placing your attention on your hearts and using the power of Love you find there to infuse the world you want, not the world that’s passing, the world of so much pain. You are co-creators. Made in My image, remember? It is true. You are made in My image and thus do you manifest the beliefs of your heart. Remember, the heart is where we are connected, so all the power, all the light, all the Love I pour to you comes directly and unfailingly to and through your heart. I Am Creator; I Am Love expanding through you (at this time and forever more).” A Letter From God To Humanity On Creating A World Of Love Christ Has Returned To the Earth In the Flesh, |
josephalmighty wrote on Nov 8, ’10 Welcome to my blog Ahmad… Come and join us… 1LOve, Joseph Christ Has Returned To The Earth… The scriptures of the world’s great religions all contain Messianic prophecies which promise that God will one day send a Promised One whose teachings will unite all of humanity into one loving family. The religions call this Promised One by various names… Jews await the appearance of “another Prophet” like Moses. Hindus look for the return of Krishna. Christians await the return of Christ. Muslims await both the return of Christ and the appearance of Imam Mahdi. Buddhist sutras prophesy the coming of the Maitreya Buddha. Zoroastrian scriptures prophesy the coming of the Saoshyant. The Egyptians await Osiris & Isis. American Indians await Quetzalcoatl coming from the east. South American Indians await the Amaru Father & Mother. Europeans look for the coming of Odin. And there are many other such native prophecies and mythologies in every culture. What’s fascinating about these prophecies is that they all seem to foretelling the exact same event. The Returned Christ Fulfills The Prophecies Of All The World’s Religions Christ has returned to the earth, and this is what he is saying to every person of every group and religion… “The time has come! The final stage of my plan is about to be accomplished. O sinful old world! By my word you will collapse! Because of my plan you will revert to nothing! O earth! By my word all will live again, and there will be “rulers”! O holy new world without blemish! By my glory you will be restored once more! O Mount Zion! Be silent no longer, for I have returned in triumph! I will inspect everything in all the earth, while those on earth will start to live a new life and have a new hope. O my people! How can you not start living again in my light (which is the Word I bring to you in the end times)? How can you not rejoice greatly under my guidance? The earth is cheering; the waters are rejoicing! Live again, O Israel! How can you not be proud that I have predestined you? Who has ever wept? Who has ever wailed? In former days, Israel ceased to exist, but today, Israel is starting to rise above all the world, standing over the hearts of men. Today, Israel has a basis for survival, because they are my people! O hateful Egypt (all of you who resist me and my sons in the endtimes, as the egyptians resisted me and moses in ancient times)! Could it be that you are still resisting me? How could you take advantage of my compassion to escape my punishment? How can you not reside in my punishments? All whom I love will endure forever, but all those who resist me will be punished forever. As I am a jealous God, all the conduct of all mankind will not be let off lightly. I will examine all the earth, and appear to all people from the East with righteousness, majesty, wrath and punishment!”… *** “The Prophecies Of Almighty God” Almighty God & the Church of Almighty God – Introduction Series – Part 1 100 Answers To The Most Frequently Asked Questions Christ Has Returned To the Earth In the Flesh, |
ahmadabdulhaq wrote on Nov 4, ’10 ikyusan32 said
Alhamdulillah, masih sabar di Jakarta 🙂 |
ikyusan32 wrote on Nov 4, ’10 apa kabar kakanda…..? |
rashidpdks wrote on Sep 27, ’10 Mana pergi janggut/jambang Rhoma Irama…Mungkin dia mahu kembali MUDA |
j4uharry wrote on Sep 12, ’10 terimmakasih tlah dikonfm |
mpismine wrote on Sep 9, ’10 Salam.. Datang.. Berkunjung.. |
rumahaqiqahindonesia wrote on Sep 1, ’10 Salam, berkunjung 🙂 . Selamat menunaikan ibadah shaum Ramadhan, semoga ibadah kita senantiasa meningkat terutama di 10 hari terakhir ini. |
ahmadabdulhaq wrote on Aug 3, ’10 jampang said
Sudah, Mas, 8 bulan lalu 🙂 |
jampang wrote on Jul 26, ’10 sudah pindah ke jakarta, pak? |
alwaysselalu wrote on Jul 11, ’10 guru…. tak terasa jatah usia semakin berkurang…saya mendoakan semoga Allah memberikan limpahan kasih sayang dan mempermudah urusan-urusan dalam kebaikan serta memberkahi hidup guru….semoga Allah berkahi |
ahmadabdulhaq wrote on Jul 6, ’10 yukimiaka said
Ini sampah. |
alwaysselalu wrote on Jun 25, ’10 ahmadabdulhaq said
kok jarang lihat guru yaa… jadi kangen ditraktir di wahidin guru 😀 |
ahmadabdulhaq wrote on Jun 25, ’10 Apik, Kim:) |
alwaysselalu wrote on Jun 25, ’10 guru gimana kabarrr..?? |
ahmadabdulhaq wrote on Jun 16, ’10 friewan said
Wa’alaikumussalaam. |
friewan wrote on Jun 10, ’10 Assalamu’alaikum… |
fathia27rhm wrote on Apr 29, ’10 Wa’alaykumussalam Warahmatullah.. terima kasih sudah berkunjung. Rumah saya ndak terlalu rame, udah hampir mati suri baru akan dibangun kembali, insyaALLAH.. |
ohtrie wrote on Apr 15, ’10 ahmadabdulhaq said
aduhhhh… |
ahmadabdulhaq wrote on Apr 15, ’10 ohtrie said
Undangannya dah saya terima kanthi sae njih, Matur sembah Nuwun… Maturnuwun ugi, maztrie™. Gubuge magrong-magrong ngono kok ;)) |
ohtrie wrote on Apr 15, ’10 akasih banyak Pak dah berkenan mampir ke gubuk kami….. Undangannya dah saya terima kanthi sae njih, Matur sembah Nuwun… |
andieirfan wrote on Apr 10, ’10 assalamualaikum. saya sekarang di semarang pak, tapi tar siang sepertiny mo pulang ke pekalongan.., malam minggu ya kopdarnya? kalo malam minggu insyaAllah bisa., yg kopdar rencana siapa lagi pak? mamah deping juga ga, hehehe. wassalam. |
laptopmini wrote on Apr 9, ’10 waahh… makasih ya pak. mohon doanya. semoga bisa jadi orag hebat seperti anda.. ^__^ |
mayangfi2007 wrote on Apr 5, ’10 asslmualaikum,..kunjungan balik,.. mampir yg lama juga boleh kok,.. hehehe,.. ^_^ |
rumahaqiqahindonesia wrote on Mar 11, ’10 Assalamualaikum.. Wassalamualaikum |
thiyarenjana wrote on Mar 7, ’10 oh ya satu lagi |
thiyarenjana wrote on Mar 7, ’10 aslmlkm w2… Aa… saya mau minta bantuan… site saya lagi kacaww… Saya sangat mengharap bantuannya, A’. Kalau perlu saya kirim css site saya…. |
rosaldina wrote on Feb 22, ’10 Mas Haq, jangan marah ya kalo dirubah statusnya, hahaha… Aku tu suka malu kalo ngeblog mas, makanya diganti jadi OB, biar bisa diseleksi mana posting yang pribadi mana yg buat umum, hehehe… Tapi di hati kan tetep friend.. OB juga kan friend mas.. Hehehe.. Piss mas Haq.. |
ahmadabdulhaq wrote on Feb 21, ’10 kaniaknightly said
Badai di Awal Bahagia, Mbak 🙂 |
kaniaknightly wrote on Feb 19, ’10 Alhamdulillah masi pak ^^ sudah baik lg setelah mengalami badai2 kehidupan halah! hahahaha |
adiiferry wrote on Feb 17, ’10 HELLO SALAM…….. KLW BOLEH MAMPIR YA?;;;;;;;;; |
kaniaknightly wrote on Feb 2, ’10 trimakasih bapak, smoga bisa mulai nulis2 lg niy ^^ |
melatidesa wrote on Dec 29, ’09 Hello kang… |
mashrote wrote on Dec 28, ’09
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